Clarkson Biology Professor Delivers Plenary Lecture at France Workshop

Susan Bailey, assistant professor of biology at Clarkson University, recently returned from delivering a plenary lecture at a workshop in Lyon, France. The workshop was called “Evolution of infectious diseases: an ecological, molecular and computational approach”.

Susan Bailey, photo by:  Lucie Etienne, Assistant Professor, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), Lyon, France

The meeting brought together international specialists in the fields of infectious diseases and experimental evolution, and was organized by the Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Infectious Diseases research group (Ecofect) at the University of Lyon.

Dr. Bailey spoke about her ongoing theoretical and experimental research aimed at understanding evolution in bacteria. Her research identifies conditions under which bacteria evolve in similar, predictable ways. Results from this work will help to improve the predictive power of evolutionary models, with a long term goal of applying these models to bacteria with human health implications; for example, forecasting when and where a particular bacterial pathogen will evolve antibiotic resistance.

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