Faculty return to work Fall 2020

Action: Review and respond to department chair/graduate program director as indicated (some deadlines by 8/5)

Dear faculty and graduate teaching assistants,

We are pleased to inform you that the University last month has officially submitted our Re-opening plan to the state. With this submission, we can now welcome back our faculty and those graduate assistants who will be teaching in person. 

The deans and directors will work with department chairs to reach out to those faculty and graduate teaching assistants who are teaching in person to schedule them for the required training they will need to complete prior to return to campus.  As units plan for return to campus we ask that you help us follow New York State guidelines on occupancy requirements (50% of employees each day).  Faculty should plan to be on campus only on the days that they are teaching unless their research requires otherwise, similarly with teaching assistants. Faculty and teaching assistants are expected to hold the majority of their student hours virtually and to meet face-to-face only in areas where maintaining 6′ distance is possible (e.g., outside or in building atria). Importantly, only faculty and graduate assistants who are on the approved list and authorized to come to campus will be allowed on campus. 

For faculty and teaching assistants teaching in person: Unit heads should contact the faculty who are teaching in person this Fall, as well as teaching assistants assigned to in person courses, and confirm with them that they are expected to be on campus only on the days they are teaching and to let the unit head know if they will need additional access for research work (remind faculty to work with Shannon Robinson for research access).  Chairs should send the assembled information (faculty/TA name, days on campus (include research days if known) into a spreadsheet. Once complete please send this information to Amy McGaheran in Human Resources (with a cc to the Dean/Director).  Please do not send individual faculty information to Amy.  It is far more expeditious to send in bulk so that training days/times can be quickly scheduled. 

Unit heads should reaffirm that student hours should be held virtually if at all possible.  Unit heads should work with faculty and their Dean/Director to maintain minimal daily occupancy of their teaching staff (faculty and students) to as close to 50% as possible though we know this will be difficult.  Human Resources will contact faculty and teaching assistants to schedule their required training.  Unit heads must submit this information to Human Resources no later than August 5. If, by this date, you do not have the information from the faculty member, list the days that they are assigned to in person teaching. Delays in submission may result in delays in returning to campus.

For faculty teaching only online who do not need on-campus research access: If you will be coming to campus, you must contact Human Resources (amcgaher@clarkson.edu) for permission to return at least 48 hours in advance.  Failure to contact HR without 48 hour notice will result in being turned away from entry.

Note – the Dean of the Graduate School will be sending a similar communication to the teaching assistants on Monday morning.  Graduate students recently received a communication that states that they have to show proof of a negative test prior to arrival on campus.  The message may be confusing for some students who already have access to campus or who must arrive prior to the start of classes for their teaching assignment. The Dean of the Graduate School is coordinating communications with graduate students to the dates by which they will need to show a negative test result.  If your graduate students have any questions about testing please have them contact Dean Janoyan directly.  

Robyn Hannigan            Kerop Janoyan                    Amy McGaheran

Provost                          Dean, Graduate School      Chief, Human Resources

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