Mandatory Annual Training 2020-2021

Hello Clarkson Employees,

This is in continuation to the communication on the Mandatory Annual Training 2020-2021 ( EVERFI Training course on Diversity: Inclusion in the Modern Workplace was assigned to all employees on Sept 1 through the EVERFI training system and two new courses will be assigned soon.

Going forward, you will receive new training assignments, periodic updates and reminders for the ongoing training directly from the EVERFI system.  You do not need to create an EVERFI account.  The EVERFI training system has been re-launched using the Clarkson Login process. This is the same Login page you use to access PeopleSoft, Moodle and a number of other Clarkson services.  Please see screenshots below to help you navigate the emails and the system. 

If you encounter an error or have any questions, please contact one of these resources for help:

·        Technical issues email the Clarkson Helpdesk at

·        Moodle or EverFi Learning Portal(s) usage, access issues or training email Human Resources at

·        Any departments that have employees without access to a computer please email to arrange for group training/computer access for those employees.

Screenshots and sample messages to help you navigate the EVERFI Learning system

Step 1: You will receive an email with a message from EVERFI. Please read the message and click the Login tab to access the learning system.

Step 2: Once you open the learning system, click on the Clarkson Login tab 

Step 3: You will be able to access your assigned course(s) and complete them now.

Thank You

Human Resources

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