COVID-19 Read: Message from Dean of Students

Dear Students,

Yesterday afternoon, the Potsdam Campus Community received a communication outlining a variety of steps to provide students with more opportunities on campus.   

We have been fortunate to witness a decline in cases over the past week and know that the overwhelming majority of students are following the science and doing the things that will keep them safe as well as their peers and fellow community members.  

However, reports and security footage of behaviors stemming from Friday night are concerning, especially as we look to create more engagement opportunities for everyone. All  gatherings that violate the University’s communication for our “Orange Light” Level 2 puts the campus community at risk, and will not be tolerated.  

It is disappointing that the behavior of a few can greatly impact the opportunities for all possibly again.  We have many students who diligently abide by health and safety protocols. While we are excited to provide opportunities for family units to interact with other residents, we ask that community members use these moments wisely and appropriately since things can change quickly.

The challenges over the past year are witnessed in all communities. Let’s continue to be diligent with our decisions and actions to keep moving in a positive direction.  Students, Faculty, and Staff must buy into the policies set forth to continue to have a positive experience for the remainder of the academic year.

James Pittman
Dean of  

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