Potsdam Staff

Mental Health First Aid Workshop

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Many of us have been concerned about a friend, colleague or student but weren’t sure what to do.  Mental Health First Aid workshops are designed to increase the confidence in identifying and supporting people who may be having mental health or substance abuse challenges and helping them to connect with appropriate resources.  Our next Mental Health First Aid […]


Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Staff

To help faculty successfully develop their research programs, Sponsored Research Services is hosting a series of discussion group sessions with guest speakers (in-person this year). The session for February 25, 2022, (12:00 – 1:30 p.m.), Science Center 320 is: Building Your Research Group Presented by Dr. Michelle Crimi/Anthony Adamczyk Discussion on recruiting personnel (Undergraduates, Graduates, and Post-docs) to build

Students of Color Support Group

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

There are many unique issues and stressors that students of color often face that can contribute to struggles with the college experience. These can be particularly difficult for those attending predominantly and historically white institutions. The Counseling Center will be providing a support group for students of color who would like to talk with others

Our Experiences: Women of Clarkson

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Tuesday, March 1st, 20225:00pm-6:30pm, Student Center Forum Our Experiences is a series of Conversations where a panel of Clarkson community members share their voices, stories, and experiences with the wider community. Join us this month to celebrate Women’s History Month!

Participants needed – SDG Blitz! starts this week

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

SDG* Blitz starts this week (*Sustainable Development Goals)Please join us for either of these events designed to identify classes that have sustainability content and increase effectiveness of integrating sustainability in our classes. Indicate your interest in either of these events through this very short google form    1. Thursday Feb 24 (10-11:30) in person or ZOOM Workshop for faculty to

C3S2-The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Christopher Curtis, San Diego State University Will present a talk entitled: Learning Dynamics through Dynamic Mode Decomposition Abstract: Much of applied mathematics has seen a recent shift in focus towards analyzing and describing measured time series as opposed to more traditional practices such as exploring particular systems of equations. This reflects a modern reality in

Bookstore-Textbook Returns Beginning Next Week

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Bookstore-Textbook Returns Beginning Next Week This is just a friendly notice that the bookstore will begin our textbook returns to publishers beginning next week.  We encourage anyone that is still in need of a book to stop into the bookstore soon or place an order on our website. Thank you!Evan HitchmanStore Manager315-268-4300


Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Staff

To help faculty successfully develop their research programs, Sponsored Research Services is hosting a series of discussion group sessions with guest speakers (in-person this year). POSTPONEMENT The session for February 18, 2022, (12:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.), Science Center 320 is postponed. Building Your Research Group Presented by Dr. Michelle Crimi/Anthony Adamczyk Discussion on recruiting personnel (Undergraduates, Graduates, and

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