Potsdam Staff

COVID Relief Funds for Students

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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create challenges for Clarkson students. Similar to last year, Clarkson has been granted funding to support our students through these hard times. If you are aware of a student struggling financially due to covid, please guide them to reach out for help. To apply for emergency relief funds, students should […]

Third Thursday – Employee of the Month Celebration Feb. 17 in Snell Hall Atrium

Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Staff

Join us on Thursday, February 17, from 8-9:30 a.m. in the B.H. Snell atrium for the Third Thursday Coffee Hour to see who is honored this month as we continue to acknowledge and applaud our staff and faculty who have been exemplifying Service Excellence, going beyond the call of duty during our past COVID months.  Instead of Employees

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Dr. Andres F. Arrieta Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering (by courtesy) at Purdue University, Will present a talk titled: Hierarchically Multistable Metastructures for Mechanologic and Soft Robotics Abstract: Shape adaptation in materials and structures enables multifunctionality by leveraging the ability to adopt different geometrical configurations. The idea of rendering engineering systems adaptable and multifunctional

Upcoming Vaccination Clinics

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Here are a list of the upcoming vaccination clinics that are being hosted by St. Lawrence County Public Health. Please feel free to share as you find appropriate. These clinics are open to the public, and we are requiring registration online for these clinics. Additional information regarding our upcoming clinics can be found on our website: https://www.stlawco.org/Departments/PublicHealth/COVID-19Vaccine. Friday, 2/18/22: In-house (at Public Health

University Sustainability now a Standing Advisory Committee of the Administrative Council

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The Administrative Council unanimously approved the change of the sustainability Committee to a Standing Advisory Committee of the Administrative Council to directly advise the President regarding campus sustainability (OM 2.10.2). The University Sustainability Committee helps the Inst. for a Sustainable Environment prioritize projects, suggest ways to adapt projects to better support their unit, and help to communicate sustainability

Sustainable Development Goals at Clarkson – Environmental Responsibility

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Sustainability has long been a pillar within Clarkson University, woven into the curriculum and extracurricular activities in an effort to better the perspectives and expertise within its faculty and student body. For the past ten years, the university has taken a crosswalk approach under the leadership of President Anthony G. Collins, meeting sustainability goals through

Microbes in Gut Might Affect Personality, According to Clarkson University Prof’s Research

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Clarkson University Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Ali Boolani is performing research to determine if gut microbiome and metabolomic pathways in the gut could be associated with the personality traits mental energy, mental fatigue, physical energy and physical fatigue. There are thousands of different types of bacteria living in the gut that are known as

Mental Health First Aid Workshop

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Many of us have been concerned about a friend, colleague or student but weren’t sure what to do.  Mental Health First Aid workshops are designed to increase the confidence in identifying and supporting people who may be having mental health or substance abuse challenges and helping them to connect with appropriate resources.  Our next Mental Health First Aid

Fire Marshal on Campus for Next Few Weeks

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Annual fire inspections by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, which began last week, will continue through February and into March. Inspections cover all residential spaces and academic areas. Please review your work spaces and ensure that you are maintaining a safe and compliant environment for you and others in the building. Your help will also support

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