Faculty Services – International Center

Dear Faculty:

On behalf of the International Center, we hope your semester is off to a positive start. As we begin a new year, our staff wanted to reach out to provide a short list of services that we offer specifically for faculty.

Faculty exchange abroad (short-term, semester or sabbatical) – We have a number of opportunities for faculty to visit, teach, or work with universities and partners abroad. Our office can assist with logistics, identification of potential placements, contacts, and much more. We have a number of options for guest lecturing on a short-term or week-long visit.

Visitor support – If you anticipate hosting an international visitor, the International Center offers logistical, transportation, and scheduling assistance.

Visa services/advisement – If you plan to travel to another country or wish to bring a visitor to campus (i.e. research assistant), the International Center staff can provide insight and guidance into the type of visa needed, time frame, etc., as well as application processes.  https://www.clarkson.edu/international-center/hosting-international-visitors 

Study Trip – If you are interested in leading a short-term study trip abroad, the International Center can assist you with all facets of compliance, student recruitment, and itinerary planning. We also can connect you to a variety of providers that Clarkson has worked with in the past.

Fulbright Scholar Programs – The International Center will be hosting workshops to provide more support for those applying for these awards.

If interested in learning more about our faculty services, please stop by the office in the ERC or e-mail us at internationalcenter@clarkson.edu to arrange a time to meet. Best wishes for a great semester. For more information, you may also consult our site –  https://www.clarkson.edu/cu-facultystaff-resources. We look forward to working with you.

Thank you,

International Center

ERC 1100

(315) 268-3943


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