Clarkson University Holds Fire Safety Training for Students, Staff

A mock dorm burn and fire extinguisher training were part of Clarkson’s annual safety and security week September 10 through 12. The events are aimed at educating the student body on fire safety.

Mock dorm burn

Over a three day period, more than 1000 students and staff were trained in how to use a fire extinguisher with the help of the NYS Office of Fire Protection & Control. The training is required for all students who live in a University-apartment style house or are a part of Greek Life. All students and staff are required to complete a fire safety training on Moodle as well.

Fire extinguisher training

Tuesday night, several students attended a car extrication with the help of the Potsdam Volunteer Fire Department. And around 200 students watched Wednesday as Fire Fighters held a mock dorm burn.

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