Sponsored Research Proposal Submissions

We would like to remind the Clarkson community that anytime you are applying for sponsored research funding from any source we strongly recommend that you go through the Sponsored Research Services (SRS) office PRIOR to the submission of your application or proposal.  This is advisable for several reasons:

  1. It will give us the chance to review the budget to make sure that it has been prepared following all required regulatory guidelines to make sure that all the funds available or needed by the project are being requested in the appropriate manner.
  2. It gives us the opportunity to ensure that any intellectual property developed by you is safeguarded and that your best interests and those of the university are protected.
  3. It gives us the chance to make sure that credit is given to you and associated departments and/or associated  for the submission of the proposal and the receipt of the award funds, if successful.  This is also important for reporting the University’s Carnegie Classification as well.

If you’re not sure if the project that you are considering should go through the SRS, just ask us – we’ll be glad to work with you to make sure that the correct office(s) are involved and that you get all the credit you deserve for your scholarly efforts as far as sponsored research is concerned!

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