Update on Sustainability Fund!

Votes are coming in! Voting only goes until 10/30. To see the current status of the votes (2:00 pm on 10/24) and to cast your own vote, follow the link below. We will direct the $20k fund to the winning project. During the academic year, a team of faculty, staff and students will complete project design with implementation expected sometime late spring or summer 2019. Last year’s winner, a ducted wind turbine designed here at Clarkson, is in the process of being installed on campus.

This year’s projects are:
“Green Up” Clarkson’s innovation areas
Sustainability manage Clarkson’s forest
Manage food waste with the anaerobic digester
Redesign and rebuild the campus greenhouse with an integrated observation bee hive
Improve campus bicycling infrastructure
Create a campus digital energy dashboard with screen displays throughout campus

Required action: Click here to learn about the projects and vote

Questions? Students will be tabling in the Student Center throughout the week during the lunch hour to answer questions. Alternatively send an email to Dr. Susan Powers or Alex French.

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