CUSA Looking for Senators

“Hello Student Body,

The Clarkson University Student Association (CUSA) is looking for Senators for the following classes:

  • 1 position for the Class of 2019

  • 2 positions for the Class of 2020

  • 1 position for the Class of 2021

CUSA is Clarkson University’s student government organization. CUSA provides a voice for the student body and advocates for students’ concerns and needs. CUSA allocates the funds from the Student Activities Fee towards clubs, events, and on campus improvements.  The duties of a senator include serving your class and programming events as well serving on various committees that improve and aid different aspects of the student body, campus, or institution.

If you are interested or have any questions in being a Senator please email your resume and a 150 word platform to

The deadline to submit is Saturday, December 1st at 11:59PM.

Thank you!
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