Winter Break Residence Hall Closing Procedures

Greetings Residents!

 The Residence Life Office wishes you success on your exams and hopes you have a safe and joyous break! Here are some important points to keep in mind as you prepare to vacate campus housing:

Residents must vacate their room/apartments within 24 hours of their last finalCampus housing will close at 10:00am on Saturday, December 15. Graduating students must vacate their living space by 10:00am Sunday December 16. Campus housing reopens for continuing students at 8:00am on Wednesday, January 9

 Any students that NEED to remain more than 24 hours past their last final or after 10:00am on December 15 for non-graduates or 10:00am for graduates on December 16 require prior approval from the Residence Life Office. The Residence Life Office does NOT guarantee break housing, but will try to assist residents in making alternate arrangements. Requests must be submitted to the Residence Life Office through Knight Life by December 10 at 4:30pm:

Any students that NEED to return early from Winter Break must complete a Vacation Housing Form through Knight Life. You must log in to Knight Life to see the forms on the Residence Life page.

Residents are expected to comply with 24/7 quiet hours during finals week.  Please be considerate of those around you!

  • Please clean your apartment and remove ALL trash.
  • Turn off lights, computers, and unplug nonessential appliances.
  • Close your drapes and lock your windows.
  • Lock your door when leaving.
  • Set your thermostats to 70 degrees and keep your cabinet doors under the sink in the bathroom and kitchen open to allow warm air to circulate. Please leave your bedroom doors open.  This will help keep the water pipes from freezing.
  • Park your vehicle in the Hamlin-Powers parking lot if you are leaving your vehicle on campus.
  • Be mindful about packing your vehicles the night before.  It can be an invitation to thieves!

Any residence with an open bed space available is subject to assignment for the spring semester. Please make sure the open bed space is clear of any belongings and ready for occupancy. All residences will be inspected over the break. Excessive cleaning and damages will be billed to the current occupant(s) assigned (according to the Residence Life housing records). Please make a good impression and make your new roommate feel welcomed. Apartments are a popular housing option so you should expect that EVERY apartment bed space will be filled. Please check your PeopleSoft accounts for updates on assigned roommate(s).


Students with approved room changes, through the Residence Life Office, must move their belongings from their current residency before leaving for the break. Please return your room key to the Residence Life Office in Price hall. New keys can be picked up from the Residence Life Office anytime from 8 am – 4:30 pm on 1/9/19 when you return for the Spring semester. 

If you would like to switch your room please see Troy Lassial, Director of Residential Living & Living Learning Communities prior to the end of the Finals Week.

FACILITIES & SERVICES may be in your dorm to address work orders and other maintenance issues while you are away.  Third-party contractors that we may hire to assist will be accompanied by Clarkson University staff at all times.


The Residence Life Staff will be doing fire safety inspections of rooms during the break.

NOTE: If you are not returning to Clarkson for the spring semester, please notify the Residence Life office ASAP as well as do the following:

  • Put your room key in the envelope provided on your Closing Expectations Form and vacate your residence by Saturday, December 15, unless approved by Residence Life to stay later. Minimum $110 charge for keys that are not returned.
  • Please clean your room and remove all trash.
  • Please remove all personal belongings from your room including material on tack boards and de-loft the beds. Rooms that need to be restored to original condition will be completed by University crews, at your expense. *There will be a $25 minimum charge to remove any personal belongings, furniture, etc. left behind.
  • CLOSE your drapes and LOCK your windows.

Any theft/loss/damage is the responsibility of the assigned room residents.

Your residence will be inspected upon departure for any maintenance or damage concerns.

Have a great break and good luck with finals!


Troy Lassial

Director of Residential Life & Living Learning Communities
Clarkson University
Price Hall
(315) 268-6647
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