Pre-Req Waiver for COMM 345: Information Design

Hello Students!

If you were looking at the course COMM 345 Information Design offered this spring, and couldn’t take it because you didn’t have the pre-req, we have an option for you.

Pre-Req Waiver for COMM345: Information Design

If you don’t have the pre-req for COMM345 (Pre req: COMM229 Principles of User Experience Design ), we’re offering a series of short assignments that you can complete over the break (or in the first two weeks of the course) to bring you up to speed. The work, which should take under 10 hours, covers design basics including color, type, and layout.

The course carries two Communication units and Imaginative Arts designation.

COMM 345 Information Design – explores ways to structure complex data into usable information in genres including websites, computer interfaces, information visualizations, charts, interactive media, and audio. Drawing on theories and practices from disciplines including communication theory, cognitive psychology, visual theory, and new media, students will learn to understand users and their contexts, select appropriate media, and design effective and efficient informational texts.

If you’re interested, contact Johndan Johnson-Eilola ( for more information.

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