Climate Survey

Dear Campus Community Member,

We are excited to launch our third climate survey for the Clarkson Community. As we continue to grow, we hope that you will take a few minutes to complete a survey designed to provide information about both positive and challenging aspects of our university climate. Since our last survey we have added more campuses and increased the diversity of community members.  We want to make sure our climate, whether on-campus or online, is engaged and inclusive. This survey is your opportunity to describe your own personal experiences, your observations, and to offer suggestions for change that might enhance the climate.  The data will be used to identify strategies for addressing potential challenges and supporting positive diversity initiatives, helping us craft our next University strategic plan.

To ensure confidentiality, the University has contracted with Rankin and Associates, a nationally known consulting firm that specializes in helping universities assess and improve their campus climates. All of your answers are confidential and all of the results will be reported in group form only.  You will not be identifiable as an individual. Your participation in this project is voluntary. The survey has been reviewed and approved by the Clarkson University Institutional Review Board.

While your participation in this project is voluntary, I strongly encourage all members of the campus community to take the 20 to 30 minutes needed to complete the survey at Supervisors are encouraged to give staff the time to respond to the survey during the work day, and computer lab space will be made available for taking the survey in Potsdam and at CRC. A paper version of the survey is available for individuals without computer access who cannot attend the hosted lab sessions.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this important project.


Anthony G. Collins

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