NEH Summer Seminar

Dear Associated Colleges Colleague,

On behalf of SUNY Potsdam’s NEH Faculty Development Committee, I cordially invite you to submit an application for the upcoming 2019 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, to be held at SUNY Potsdam from July 1 to July 17. This year’s seminar, “They call it culture”: Problems in the Encounter between College and Prison, will be led by Daniel Karpowitz, J.D., Research Associate at the Levy Economics Institute and Visiting Assistant Professor Political Studies at Bard College.

Each year the SUNY Potsdam’s NEH Program organizes an interdisciplinary summer seminar for scholars from the four associated colleges whose work addresses the humanities, broadly defined.  The seminar typically meets twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In return for their participation, seminar members are each paid a stipend of $3,500 and are also eligible to receive a further $1,000 towards projects or materials related to the themes explored in the seminar.  Admission is by competitive application, with seminars usually limited to 8 members.  The application deadline is Tuesday, March 5, 2019.

An application, together with a description of the seminar, a syllabus outline, and instructions for submission may be found on SUNY Potsdam’s website at the following link:

Once on that page, scroll down to “III. NEH Seminars,” then click on the link called “Application 2019 Summer Seminar for Faculty.”

Applications may be submitted to me electronically (in one file please) at or in hard copy by post.  Should you have further questions or encounter any difficulties accessing the application, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Geoffrey Clark

Professor of History

Director, NEH Faculty Development Program

Department of History

Satterlee Hall

SUNY Potsdam

44 Pierrepont Ave.

Potsdam, NY 13676

(315) 267-3185 (o)

(315) 212-0353 (c)

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