As part of Clarkson University’s ongoing commitment to Service Excellence, the Service Excellence Team is pleased to announce the March 2019 Employee of the Month…

Emma Blaiklock, Area Coordinator
Emma was recognized by her peers, who commented, “Emma is involved in multiple facets of campus. She is constantly a resource to both residence hall and off-campus students and is happy to help make others smile. Emma is a touchstone for so many students and staff going above and beyond to deliver high quality results to her coworkers, staff and students. She is an advocate for students and challenges them to help them grow as individuals while making sure our students feel safe and comfortable at Clarkson.” Please join us in congratulating and recognizing the Service Excellence of Emma during our “First Friday,” next Friday, March 1, at the first intermission of the women’s playoff hockey game at Club 99 in Cheel. A complimentary beverage plus light appetizer are offered for all faculty and staff who attend. Please mark your calendars and join us! (Supervisors are reminded that they can release their staff early for this University event.)