“When Men Can Buy Sex” is Topic at Next Clarkson University Science Cafe

“When Men Can Buy Sex” will be presented by Clarkson University Associate Professor of Anthropology Annegret Staiger at the next Clarkson University Science Cafe at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at the Best Western University Inn Rushton Room, 90 E. Main St. in Canton, N.Y., and at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the St. Lawrence Valley Roasters & Jernabi Coffeehouse, 11 Maple St. in Potsdam, N.Y.

Annegret Staiger

What happens when men can legally buy sex, women can legally sell it, and both can do so in a safe and protected environment? In Germany, this has been the law of the land since 2002. Join Staiger as she discusses her ethnographic research in an upscale German mega brothel and her insights about the men who self-identify as sex clients.

Even though casual sex is socially accepted in Germany, sex clients often feel the need to hide it. Many counter intuitive questions arise: about the stigma of paying for sex, the vulnerability of sex clients, and the social control that operates in a sexually enlightened society.

Science Cafes bring together engineers, scientists, and townspeople in a relaxed, informal setting, such as coffeehouses and pubs. The speaker makes a short presentation about a topic in his or her field and then opens up the floor to discussion.

Find out more about Clarkson’s Science Cafe at http://www.clarkson.edu/sciencecafe.
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