Staff Performance Evaluations Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019

All staff and their managers:

It has been another year of successful projects, positive growth, and excellence in serving our students. As we close up 2018 – 2019, it is time to reflect on the work completed and to plan for the work ahead in 2019 – 2020.

It is time again for the year-end performance review that includes a self-assessment and then a discussion with your manager that reviews the years’ work. This process has not changed.

Please continue to use the electronic evaluation form. It can be accessed in PeopleSoft HR 9.2 under Main Menu – Self Service – CU Employee Evaluation – Employee Evaluation Form.

Human Resources will continue to provide training sessions on completing effective performance evaluations and sessions on developing and implementing SMART goals. Please look for that schedule shortly.

Also, be reminded that your year- end review discussion with your manager is also a good time to update your job description if there have been any changes in your job responsibilities. Please send any updated job descriptions to Human Resources for review.

Please note the following dates for completion.

Staff Evaluations 

April 8- April 30, 2019 –

Self-Assessments and Manager Reviews with employees complete 

  • Please note employees will have from 3/15/19 to 4/8/19 to complete their evaluations 
  • They can be submitted to their managers on 4/8/19 

Job descriptions –

Reviewed and recommended changes sent to HR by April 30, 2019

May 1 – May 17, 2019 –

Managers and department Heads complete merit tool and submit for approval 

June 1, 2019 –

Staff letters are delivered to Managers and Department heads

If you have any questions, please direct them to the Human Resources office at ext. 6497.

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