Subjects Wanted for Research on Clarkson Lecture Hall Furniture

Clarkson Undergrad Kathryn Ackner, is performing an ergonomic assessment on Clarkson University lecture hall furniture and is looking for subjects willing to participate in her research efforts.  You must be >18 years of age to participate.  This assessment involves evaluating Clarkson student input on whether the desk and chairs in the Snell, Science Center, and CAMP lecture halls are compatible to the human body and whether this furniture puts students at risk for musculoskeletal injuries.

 If you are interested in participating in this study, we will set up an appointment for you to take a survey on the human compatibility of Clarkson lecture hall design. This survey will take 10-15 minutes. After completing the survey, you will be asked to be measured while sitting in three main lecture halls on campus. The measurements include length of leg, angle of knee while sitting, length of arm, angle of elbow while using the desk, angle of trunk while sitting, and angle of neck while looking at a focal point in the front of the lecture hall. These measurements will take approximately 30 minutes.  There are no special preparations for the measurements other than wearing comfortable clothing. The survey will take place in TAC 122, and if you agree to be measured you will then from there walk to each of the three chosen lecture halls.

Please note that participation is voluntary.  Refusal to participate or deciding to discontinue participation at any time will involve no penalty.

If you are still interested in participating, please email Kathryn Ackner at with days and times that you are available to participate in our research. She will respond back to you to set up an appointment.   

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have to Kathryn Ackner, or faculty advisor Erica Arnold at

Clarkson University’s Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research has reviewed initial plans for this research and exempted it from further oversight. If you have concerns about the safety or conduct of this research, please contact the IRB at 315 268-6475 or email

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