Important Changes in Effort Reporting (ATFAR)

Dear Clarkson Community,

In an effort to reduce faculty administrative burden and to become more sustainable, we have implemented three changes to the Effort Reporting (ATFAR) certification.

The first exciting change is that ONLY faculty with federal award funding will need to certify effort reports. This coincides with the Uniform Guidance regulations found in 2 CFR 200.430 which requires certification of effort spent by all employees whose salaries are charged directly to federal and federal flow-through funds. Any faculty that are supported or are supporting students with all non-federal funding will no longer need to review or certify effort reports, unless it is required in the terms and conditions of the non-federal award (ie mandatory cost-sharing).

The second big change is that we have eliminated one of the reporting periods. ATFARS will now be sent out for reporting periods of January 1- June 30 and July 1 – December 31, which will again reduce the administrative burden to you, our faculty. Note: Due to the implementation timing of our change, the second effort reporting period for calendar year 2018 will run from June 1 through December 31 to ensure that we capture June’s effort in certification.

The third change is in response to Clarkson’s sustainability efforts and SRS’s commitment to that mission. We will now be emailing the ATFARS directly to you and you can sign digitally and return via email to your Research Administration Advisor or You can find your Research Administration Advisor at

We are very excited about these changes and moving forward in SRS’s vision and mission to alleviate some of the administrative burden to our faculty members and to become more sustainable. Please look for the e-mails that will be coming to you shortly from your Research Administration Advisor with your Effort Reports (ATFARS) for the June 1 through December 31 reporting period.

We would love to hear your feedback on the change! 

Thank you, Becky Larrow
Research Administration Advisor

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