Earning a degree from Clarkson University comes with numerous benefits, not least of which is the opportunity to attain a good job with a salary well above the national average.

Survey results revealed that 97 percent of all 2018 Clarkson University graduates who responded to the survey had been placed in a full-time job, entered graduate school or joined the military within six months of graduation. Eighty-two percent of the 1,241 who graduated from Clarkson in 2018 responded to the survey.
Since at least 2014, undergraduate placement has consistently been at or above 95 percent within six months of graduation.
The survey also showed that the average salary for Clarkson graduates was 15 percent above the national average. Class of 2018 undergraduates entered the workforce with an average salary of $60,901. Graduate level alumni averaged a salary of $76,263. In addition, all graduates who responded noted that they were employed full-time within their desired field – real career placement in a job or industry of their choice.
Margo Jenkins, Director of the Clarkson University Career Center, credited the hands-on curriculum at Clarkson for the success experienced by recent graduates. She also noted that the curriculum combined with club and activity options like SPEED, Clarkson Strategic Investment Group and Doctors Without Borders allows students to build their resumes with high-quality experiences throughout their education. Jenkins said programs like the President’s Challenge and Ignite encourage students to think outside the box.
“The quality and amount of industry experiences at graduation has a direct impact on their ability to land a job and a positive correlation with starting salaries,” Jenkins said. “Our professional experience requirement pushes students to obtain real-life experiences early in their college careers.”
The Career Center hosts more than 1,000 one-on-one appointments per year. It also holds group workshops, classes and events designed to prepare students for their job search. The Center also offers interview preparation, resume and cover letter critiques, job search and exploration assistance, offer and negotiation advice and more. The targeted services model ensures that students across all majors receive the assistance and job opportunities needed to succeed.
Students who participated in the co-op in 2017 had a 99 percent rate of placement (2018 results are being calculated).
The survey captures information regarding how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation. The annual initiative provides clear, concise and consistent data on the outcomes associated with a college education on a national scale. Outcomes include types of employment (full or part-time, contract, freelance, etc.), additional education (accepted to graduate or professional school), still seeking employment or further education and starting salary for those employed full time. The survey is designed to provide trends data over time to inform the discussion about the value of higher education.
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