Clarkson Graduate Student Honored with Teaching Award at University Recognition Day

Clarkson Graduate student Kelly Tillman has been awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Students for 2019. Dr. Devon Shipp, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, nominated Tillman for the award. For the nomination to be valid, nominees for the award needed to demonstrate graduate TA excellence in their career-wide student evaluations. Tillman, originally from Oak Lawn, Ill., has been a TA for multiple sections of Organic Chemistry Lab.

“I am honored to win such an award, as I always try to put in an extra effort with the students to break down the topics until I’m certain they really understand the material,” Tillman said, “ as well as create a more relaxed learning environment where they feel free to joke around, as long as they are respectful and accomplishing the tasks at hand.”

Tillman is working on getting her Ph.D. in Chemistry and is hoping to graduate in the Spring of 2020. She received the award last month at Clarkson’s University Recognition Day.

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