“Preventing Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Disease” at Special Bonus Clarkson University Science Cafe

“Preventing Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Disease” will be presented by University of Massachusetts Professor of Microbiology and Director of the Laboratory of Medical Zoology Dr. Stephen Rich at a special bonus Clarkson University Science Cafe at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 22, at the St. Lawrence Valley Roasters & Jernabi Coffeehouse, 11 Maple St. in Potsdam, N.Y.

The risk of Lyme and other diseases has increased since the first reports in the 1970s. With that expansion, the list of germs transmitted by ticks has grown long, but there are ways of significantly reducing exposure to these hazards. The key to staying safe and healthy is to understand a few fundamental aspects of the biology and ecology of ticks. Dr. Rich will describe and explain appropriate personal protection measures that can greatly reduce risk. Handouts and tickID tools helping with tick identification and prevention will be provided.

This presentation is aimed at the general public, and will provide an overview of the hazards and risks associated with human-biting ticks.

Science Cafes bring together engineers, scientists, and townspeople in a relaxed, informal setting, such as coffeehouses and pubs. The speaker makes a short presentation about a topic in his or her field and then opens up the floor to discussion.

Find out more about Clarkson’s Science Cafe at http://www.clarkson.edu/sciencecafe.

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