Strategic Planning Update

As our Clarkson@125 Strategic Plan is nearing the end of its utility, it has sparked the formation of a Core Strategic Planning Steering Committee to begin the process of organizing and creating a visionary strategic plan to help guide Clarkson’s course beyond 2021.  We will be using a new approach for this process called Playing to Win.  This strategy framework is new to Clarkson and was brought to us by Clarkson University Board of Trustee Chair, Jean Spence.

The Strategic Planning efforts launched on May 10, 2019 with Brian Mitchell’s campus presentation regarding current trends and risks in higher education and the Strategic Plan presentation. He asked the campus community to reimagine Clarkson’s strategy for the future and respond to The Challenge:  “How can Clarkson University raise its reputational profile to achieve full potential and increase the University’s relevance and impact on the USA and global stage?” Considering the current trends, potential risks, and possibilities, we ask that you please share your comments by June 7, 2019 to Shannon Robinson at

To begin laying the initial landscape, the Core Strategic Planning Committee has also established three task force teams for Key Stakeholders, Infrastructure & Services, and Marketing & Branding. Each task force team has had Chairs assigned who are charged with iteratively collecting and liaising information in an inclusive and diverse manner as these efforts are vital to our future’s success.  The Chairs will encourage creative and innovative thinking across the University community (rather than in silos) aiming to coordinate and keep the teams on-task and aligned, as illustrated in the Team Structure and Communication Diagram below.

team structure_v3.jpg

We are only a few weeks into the strategic planning process, but we are excited by the presentation, participation, and comments that have been shared to date.  

We are working to create an intranet site to share information and progress on the planning efforts, including a communication plan to ensure there will be numerous of opportunities for the campus community to provide input and feedback throughout the strategies development process.  Stay tuned for more information soon!

If you are interested in reading the Playing to Win book please see – and a fun fact from Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations, the author A.G. Lafley’s father, A. F. Lafley, was a 1943 Clarkson alum and Past Trustee!


Shannon Robinson

AVP for Research & Tech Transfer

Executive Director for Institutional Planning

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