Support Staff Luncheon

You are invited to our Support Staff Luncheon at Sergi’s on June 13th beginning at 11:00! This is a great time to learn more about the Support Staff Group and enjoy time with your colleagues. Please RSVP through your Google Calendar invitation TODAY if you can join us! We will be offering a lovely hanging plant as a door prize. 

**CRC friends, we will connect by video for the business portion of the meeting around 11:15.

Your ideas, engagement and donations make a difference! Here is what the Support Staff Group has been up to in 2018 – 2019!

Fundraising and Gift Giving:

·         The Support Staff members and local businesses donated 19 baskets and many lottery tickets for our Holiday Luncheon Raffle Fundraiser, raising an additional $1,280 for scholarships, gifts to members in need, lunch at CRC and our end of the year luncheon

·         6 Support Staff Gifts for the Clarkson Community were awarded for a total of $1,250

·         The Support Staff Award for Student Excellence was awarded to Christopher Utter in the amount of $350  

Professional Development Opportunities Given at Support Staff Meetings:

·         Gina LaPointe, Director of Customer Service and Process Improvement – Update on Facilities, work orders, deliveries and 360 degree view

·         Julie Besaw, Human Resources Coordinator and Jamie Molnar, Human Resources Administrative Assistant – Update on Human Resources and information on recent staffing changes and titles

·         Laura Perry, Manager of Academic Technology – Google Training

·         Amber Amidon, Public Services Librarian for Graduate Enrollment and Lisa Hoover, Public Service Librarian for Undergraduate Enrollment – Library Update: resources for our jobs as well as for our individual interests with Overdrive, Inter Library Loan, Workshops being offered, Social Media Presence

·         Jen Ball, Associate Professor of History and Social Documentation/Chief Inclusion Officer/Title VI, IX, ADA/504 Coordinator – Presented on her role as the Chief Inclusion Officer in promoting a more diverse and inclusive Clarkson

Support Staff Group Process Improvements and Activities:

·         Bylaws were reviewed, updated and approved by the Support Staff Members, Faculty Senate and Administrative Council. This allows us to run elections electronically, update our mission and specify council member descriptions.

·         Support Staff members from Potsdam and CRC campuses met with a Middle States Evaluation Team this spring to represent our group and answer their questions.

·         The Support Staff Council met 7 times through the year to plan for General Meetings, organize fundraisers, and bring concerns to administration.

·         The Support Staff Council also recently traveled to Schenectady to meet the staff at our Capital Region Campus.

You can find our Bylaws and Meeting Minutes at

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