Quality in Online Learning Matters at Clarkson University

Clarkson University’s Managerial Epidemiology HC680 receives nationally recognized Quality Matters Certification Mark for meeting course design standards in an Official Quality Matters peer review.

Jane Oppenlander

Quality Matters (QM), a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process that certifies the quality of online courses, has recognized Clarkson University’s Jane Oppenlander and Eva Williford’s commitment to quality assurance for designing a course that meets Quality Matters standards.  This is Jane Oppenlander’s second course, Eva Williford’s first course and Clarkson’s fifth course to receive the Quality Matters Certification since Clarkson become a QM member institution in 2017.  Jane’s other QM Certified course is Advanced Statistics and Data Visualization, HC 602 (certified on June 22, 2018).  Prior to undergoing the official QM review, Jane and Eva partnered with Clarkson’s Teaching and Learning Corner to complete an internal Quality Matters review of the course followed by direction and adjustments to the course’s instructional design.

Quality Matters has developed a widely respected set of standards for the design of effective online courses and a rigorous, faculty peer review process for applying these standards to existing courses. Through this process, reviewers provide instructors and instructional design teams with insight and recommendations that increase learner engagement, retention and satisfaction, and, ultimately, learner achievement.

In this five-week course, students are guided through topics in epidemiology (the study of the distribution and determinants of disease) relevant to future healthcare managers.  Each student formulates an epidemiological problem and conducts research leading to managerial recommendations to address their chosen problem.  The students also examine community health planning and assessment as applied in New York State counties to see how population health goals are developed and assessed.

Dr. Oppenlander shares the following thoughts about her experiences with the QM review process:  “A QM review provides an opportunity for an independent review from experts in both the content area and online learning.  This generates recommendations that I can use to help deliver my courses more effectively.  Peer review is an integral part of scholarship and online teaching should follow the same practices.”

Laura Perry of Clarkson’s Teaching Learning Corner says, “We are thrilled to see Jane and Eva’s course recognized with this achievement.  It is a true testament of the commitment to quality Clarkson has in its online learning programs.”

The course is now listed in the QM database of award-winning courses from colleges and universities across the nation.

Considering QM review for your course? To help with preparation, TLC offers a variety of professional development and resources. Contact TLC for more information, helpdesk@clarkson.edu.

Clarkson University is now recognized by Quality Matters for the following courses:

HC680 – Managerial Epidemiology, by Jane Oppenlander

EM680 – Decision Analysis & Risk Mgmt, by William MacKinnon

HC602 – Advanced Statistics and Data Visualization, by Jane Oppenlander

HC617 – Healthcare Finance, by Jim Gavin

OM680 – Strategic Project Management, by Michael Bissonette

Clarkson University uses the Quality Matters Rubric as a guideline in all course development and revision. The QM Rubric and process fit perfectly into our mission of providing quality online courses to students.

As a private, national research university, Clarkson is a leader in technological education and sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, research and innovation. We ignite personal connections across academic fields and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. With its main campus located in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the New York Capital Region, Beacon, N.Y., and New York City, Clarkson educates 4,300 students across 95 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, the arts, education, sciences and health professions. Our alumni earn salaries that are among the top 2.5% in the nation and realize accelerated career growth. One in five already leads as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company.

About Quality Matters

Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. It provides a scalable quality assurance system for online and blended learning used within and across organizations. When you see QM Certification Marks on courses or programs, it means they have met QM Course Design Standards or QM Program Review Criteria in a rigorous review process.

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