Share Your Feedback on the Redesigned University Website

A little over a month ago we launched a redesign of the University’s main website. With this redesign, we streamlined and cleaned up the look and feel of the site to make it more visually appealing and easier to navigate. 

We removed the looped video, shortened the length of the homepage and made backend improvements so that content can be updated on a more regular basis. Additionally, a simpler filter for the academic programs pages with smaller visual tiles allows users to see more of our programs in one screen. Links to minors and concentrations were also included on the academics program page, as well as many minor visual tweaks throughout various other pages.

The navigational structure was retooled to return to a more conventional approach so that users can quickly find the content they are looking for. Top-level navigation items were chosen based on analytics, and anchor links were added to simplify navigation on text-heavy pages.

During this redesign, we also focused on improving the SEO rankings to ensure that our pages consistently rank high in Google search results. Much of this work is unseen but extremely important to our prospective student audience. 

While we made many improvements prior to the launch in May, we also recognize that work is not yet finished. A few of the projects we are still working on include: 

  • Events – Events will get a facelift with additional detail added
  • Labs & Centers – Functionality will be added to the Research section of the website for highlighting the accomplishments of our labs and centers. 
  • Overall Site Functionality – Changes throughout the website to continue to advance SEO rankings; as well as efforts towards making the site faster and more streamlined. 
  • Areas of Expertise – We are working on retooling the areas of expertise so that users will be able to look up an area of expertise and get multiple professors for any of the expertise we have listed across campus.
  • Integrated Cross-Site Search – One of the most requested but hardest to accomplish things we are working on is an integrated cross-site search functionality that will allow users to search in one box for content that may exist on our various versions of Clarkson websites. 

We hope you have explored the site and would like to invite you to share your feedback with us. Your input can help to shape the future direction of the site. Feel free to send your feedback by email to

Also as a reminder, if you need content on your webpage updated, please send the URL of the page you are looking to update and description of the change to

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