Wednesday, August 7, 2019. Same session offered at two convenient times. Choose One: 12:00 pm or 6:30 pm. Register

Level up your online synchronous class sessions in Adobe Connect. Online instructors will learn how to take advantage of Adobe Connect’s advanced features like polling and resource sharing within the online classroom to increase student engagement. Participate in a break out session for group collaboration and then share insider tips from peers who rely on the tool to deliver online class meetings with your students.
Session is designed for instructors preparing to teach using Adobe Connect for the first time as well as those who are returning and interested in expanding their Adobe Connect prowess. Tune in to learn at least one new process that you can use in your classes going forward. Dive right in and be ready to ask questions. The session promises learning from each other!
Hosted by Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner (TLC) as a part of our ongoing mission to empower faculty with skills and resources that help students obtain their goals.