Clarkson’s Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Department Hosts Successful Crystallography Workshop

Mario Wriedt, Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science and CAMP Distinguished Professor at Clarkson University recently offered an intensive 4-day Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SCXRD) workshop, Problems, Errors & Pitfalls in Single Crystal Structure Analysis, at Clarkson University’s Main Campus, Potsdam NY, in early August.

Workshop group photo with Professor Mario Wriedt , Wednesday August 7, 2019. (CU Photo by Steve Jacobs)

Single crystal X-ray diffraction is a common and precise method for structure determinations. The relatively small experimental effort for a routine X-ray structure determination as well as the revolution in data processing has led to an enormous increase in the use of this method in recent years, which means that non-experienced users can frequently perform their own structure determinations. However, sometimes problems and challenges occur that impede data collection or structure solution or yield an unusual structural model. Even if a structure seems to be successfully determined, errors might have occurred which are difficult to detect. This workshop was designed to teach students, faculty and researchers working in this area of materials science to avoid, recognize or correct the problems in the process of structure determination.

There were 23 participants, six Clarkson University students and staff and 18 from universities as close as Ottawa, Ontario and as far away as California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and Texas A & M.

Professor Wriedt and his co-instructor Professor Christian Näther of University of Kiel, Germany share a passion for crystallography with strong backgrounds in related educational and research areas. Professor Näther has offered this workshop very successfully in Kiel, Germany for many years. Professor Wriedt will schedule the workshop again in 2 years as there was a great deal of interest form the US and internationally.

This event would not have been possible without the generosity of the following sponsors:

Bruker Nano, Inc.




American Chemical Society (ACS) Inorganic Division

Clarkson University School of Arts & Sciences

Clarkson University Vice President of Research and Scholarship

Clarkson University Graduate School

Clarkson University, Chemistry & Biomolecular Science Department

Clarkson University, Center for Advanced Materials Processing

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