Reminders for Faculty

Although all academic related policies are of great importance, it is especially important this time of year to remind ourselves of specific items to support the University’s commitment to meet our service excellence standards: safe, courteous, responsive, and collaborative.

A few items of great and timely importance are:

1. MyCU (PeopleSoft) is the official class roster for classes taught at CU.  No student should be participating in classes unless they have officially registered and appear on the myCU roster.

2. Per the Rules and Regulations, instructors are requested to report three consecutive absences to the Dean of Students’ Office in order to check on the well-being of a student.  Reports may be made by using Clarkson’s Safety Net Report, link 

3. Reminder about F grades – earned and unearned grades. Federal Financial Aid regulations governing Title IV Federal Aid requires institutions to indicate whether or not the student attended and completed the course and earn the grade of F as opposed to a student who began the course and at some point during the semester stopped attending the class and ceased participating in academically related activities.  More information may be found on the Clarkson website, Student Regulations, Policy III-I Grading System.

4. FERPA Dos and Don’ts. Do consider Personal Information, Enrollment Records, Grades and Schedules as part of the student’s education record. Protect the student’s education records in your possession and do not release student educational records without the consent of the student. Do not allow students to have access to other students’ private information (i.e. exams, papers, etc. should not be left in public areas like hallways). 

5. Reminder about instructor resources for student projects on campus- contacts are encouraged within the first four weeks of the term to relevant departments on campus to support safe and productive project(s) (Facilities, OIT, Campus Safety, Risk Mgt, Env. Health & Safety, IRB in DOR).  When in doubt, please ask. 

If you have any academic policy related questions or concerns, please contact

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