Climate Survey

Dear Clarkson Community,

In February of 2019, the University conducted a climate survey. 

Presentations will be held next week to review the results of the survey and share feedback. 

The Climate Survey Presentations are next week. 

Please attend a presentation to hear the results and share feedback.  Supervisors please release your employees for the presentations.

Sept 25: 9-10:30: Potsdam, NY, Peterson Board Room

Sept 26: 9:30-11:00: Session at CRC

More information on the current and former climate surveys can be found on the website:

After the presentations, the Climate and Engagement Committee will be working on actions items as result of the survey and additional feedback. We will be sharing these with the wider community over the course of the fall and reporting back out in the Spring. If you would like to know more about the Climate and Engagement Committee, please click here.

If you have questions, please contact

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