Chemistry doctoral candidate, Emmalyn Dupree of Massena, NY has received a travel award to present her research at the “32nd Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry – Unravelling the Exposome” in Captiva Island, FL. This monetary award provide registration to the conference as well as a stipend for transportation and lodging.

Left to right: Emmalyn Dupree, Madhuri Jayathirtha, Danielle Whitham
Dupree is advised by Dr. Costel Darie, Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science and the lead of the Biochemistry and Proteomics lab. Her research includes identifying the effects on the human proteome of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals in the Great Lakes. “This is a great opportunity to share my research and network with scientists interested in this field of study. I’m intrigued to learn about other advances in the area of Exposomics.” Dupree says. Her work is supported through environmental grants led by Distinguished Professor of Engineering Jean S. Newell, Co-Director of CARES (Center for Air Resources Engineering & Sciences) Thomas M. Holsen, and Research Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Bernard Crimmins.
Along with Dupree, another graduate student, Madhuri Jayathirtha, from Bangalore, India, and an undergraduate student, Danielle Whitham, from Colchester, VT, will attend the conference and present their work. “I’m very excited to get this opportunity as an undergrad student. I’m not familiar with the field of Exposomics, so it will be interesting to learn more about it,” says Whitham.
This annual conference will highlight recent advances in Exposomics, a field of study in which the overreaching goal is to characterize and quantify the human exposome. The exposome is comprised of all human exposures through a person’s lifetime and is associated with many chronic diseases.
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