Lottery Tree and 36 Gift Baskets Being Raffled Off Thursday at Holiday Luncheon!!


THANK YOU to everyone who has donated items for Gift Baskets for the Support Staff Holiday Basket Fundraiser! We have 36 baskets to raffle off this Thursday! Marcy Adams has done a fantastic job coordinating and collecting these donations, and Dona Eggleston (pictured above with last year’s tree) is putting together a festive golden Lottery Tree! 

As a reminder, these fundraisers allow us to give a scholarship each year to a non-traditional student who has demonstrated leadership, and several gifts to members of the Clarkson Community who are in need. 

We are grateful for your donations and hope you enjoy the festivity of looking through all the baskets and trying to win your favorite ones! Tickets are $1 each, or 6 for $5.

See you Thursday!

The Support Staff Council
Dona Eggleston – Chair
Kristin Gregg – Vice Chair
Bonnie Oemcke – Treasurer
Adrienne Boswell – Secretary
Marcy Adams – Parliamentarian
Michelle Young – Administrative Liaison

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