Message from Provost Hannigan – Prof. Chris Robinson Appointed Associate Provost for Faculty Achievement

I am delighted to share the news that Prof. Chris Robinson will assume the role of Associate Provost for Faculty Achievement.  In this new role Prof. Robinson will continue his role as lead of the Teaching and Learning for Diversity within the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and, in so doing, build stronger connections between academic affairs and ODI.  In his new role, Prof. Robinson will provide leadership on all aspects of faculty development and support, ensuring teaching excellence and innovation and, in collaboration with the Vice Provost for Research and Strategic Initiatives (search to be launched in Spring 2020), excellence in research and scholarship. I am pleased to have Prof. Robinson assisting us with providing learning environment of intellectual vibrancy, personal and social responsibility, success and significance, and ensuring Clarkson maintains the visibility and thought leadership of the Teaching and Learning for Diversity and Inclusion programs led through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Prof. Robinson is a full professor in Humanities & Social Sciences in the School of Arts & Sciences. He received his Ph.D. from SUNY Albany, his M.A. from SUNY Albany and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and his B.A. from Siena College, all in political science. His scholarly work has focused on political and legal theory in the contemporary era, with a particular focus on language and the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.  In addition to his scholarship that includes seminal work examining Wittgenstein’s philosophy and the works of political theorist John G. Gunnell as well as current work at the intersection of diversity, sustainability, and political theory, Prof. Robinson is a highly regarded instructor whose breadth and depth of experience translates across fields and student interests from Pre-Freshman to Honors to Law and Policy majors.

Please join me in welcoming Prof. Robinson to this new role at Clarkson!  

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