The New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control will be visiting our campus to conduct our annual fire inspection beginning Monday, February 3, 2020. Inspections will begin in the residential spaces and likely run through mid- to late-February. We will then proceed into the academic areas through the month of March. Please review your living space on campus and ensure that you are maintaining a safe and compliant environment for you and others in the building. Your help will also support one of the University’s presidential goals to reduce fire code violations found on campus by 25% year after year. You can use the checklist linked below as a guide.
An additional incentive (besides being safe):
- If your floor, theme house or apartment building receives no violations during the inspection, you will be put in a drawing to win a pizza party for your floor/theme house/apartment building. A total of 5 pizza parties will be awarded!
Non-compliance with the items on this checklist can create an unsafe environment for everyone in the building. As a result, there will be consequences for non-compliance including, but not limited to, monetary fines of up to $250 per violation (even if previous warnings have not been issued).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming inspection or items on this checklist, please reach out to Erica Arnold ( or Brian Moulton ( in the Environmental Health & Safety Department.
Thank you!