Applications Due this Sunday for Shipley Center’s Cube Pitch

The Shipley Center will be hosting its third and final Cube pitch of the 2019-2020 academic year soon! The program which began in the fall of 2018, is ideal for any student or group of students who are working on starting their own business or want to accelerate an existing business. The Cube provides students the opportunity to gain access to exclusive Shipley resources that are not provided to other students working with the center. Some of these additional resources include supervised discretionary funding, access to the exclusive Cube work space located in the Innovation Hub, a dedicated project team, access to Shipley Center staff and alumni mentors, and sponsorship for external business plan competitions. 

The link to apply can be found below. Applications are due this Sunday, February 9th by 5 pm. Applications will be reviewed and students will be informed if they will be pitching on Monday the 10th. The pitch event itself will be held in Student Center Muli-Purpose Room A on Thursday, February 13th beginning at 5:00 pm. 

Application Link
If you have any questions please contact Joel Hargrave at

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