Sean Banerjee Receives Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor at Clarkson University

Clarkson University President Tony Collins has announced that Sean Banerjee has been granted tenure and promoted from assistant professor to associate professor of computer science in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Prof. Sean Banerjee

Sean’s research interests lie at the intersection of human-computer interaction, linguistics, and machine learning. He is interested in understanding human behavior using ubiquitous sensors to provide automation in fields such as software engineering, assistive robotics, performance arts, and healthcare. Since his start at Clarkson in 2015, Sean has co-directed the Terascale All-Sensing Research Studio (TARS) which supports the research of students from computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and mathematics. Under Sean’s mentorship, TARS has supported the research of over 70 undergraduate students who have won numerous awards, including two Goldwater Scholars and the Department of Computer Science’s first NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) winner. For his mentorship of undergraduate students, Sean received the 2017 Kristin Craig Memorial Faculty Recognition Award. He has authored 45 publications, with 23 publications involving Clarkson students of which 16 involved undergraduate students. His research has received multiple awards at international venues. His research portfolio also includes over $820,000 in external funding, including Clarkson’s first and only NSF CISE (Computer & Information Science & Engineering) Research Infrastructure (CRI) grant. As a teacher, he has taught 2+2 and often 2+3 courses a year in software design, human-computer interaction, empirical methods in software engineering, and introduction to programming. His excellence in teaching was recognized through the School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award in Fall 2016.      

He received his bachelor of science in computer engineering, his master of science in computer science, and his Ph.D. in computer science from West Virginia University. Before coming to Clarkson, Banerjee was a post-doctoral research associate at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute. He also previously was a graduate research assistant at West Virginia University and ran his own small business from 2005 to 2012.

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