CREW 2020

Clear your schedules for CREW!

Clarkson Recognition of Excellence Weekend (CREW)

Celebrating Research, Innovation, Leadership & Service

The Fourth Annual Clarkson Recognition of Excellence Weekend (CREW) will take place Friday, April 17 and Saturday, April 18, 2020. This weekend of events will celebrate the incredible scholastic and leadership accomplishments of our students and faculty and allow guests to view the groundbreaking research projects and business ideas coming from our Clarkson community. 

All faculty, staff, students, alumni, family members, and friends of Clarkson are invited to campus for this exciting event lineup.CREW Schedule

Highlights of CREW this year include:

  • The Shipley Distinguished Lectureship at Clarkson University is sponsored by the Shipley Family Foundation, which promotes scholarly achievement at Clarkson through idea exchange and active learning, and allows undergraduate and graduate students to meet the most prestigious speakers from all over the world. Of the 24 Shipley lecturers to date, nine have been Nobel Laureates.
  • The  President’s Challenge Showcase is the culmination of the annual President’s Challenge project. Teams display their projects and the teams selected as finalists pitch their ideas to a panel of experts. A variety of awards are presented to the participating teams at this event.  
  • The  Research and Project Showcase (RAPS), a research competition which combines undergraduate and graduate research poster presentations, oral presentations, and group projects
  • RAPS and Faculty Recognition of Excellence Awards, which recognize the best research presentations from RAPS and honors esteemed faculty who have received patents and research grants in the academic year
  • University Recognition Day, an annual ceremony that recognizes undergraduate, graduate students and faculty receiving University  & Phalanx awards..
  • Phalanx Awards where students, faculty and staff are presented leadership awards and inducted into Phalanx, Clarkson’s highest honor society.
  • University Recognition Awards that recognizes undergraduate, graduate students, faculty and staff in several departments across campus who have excelled academically during the year. 

More information about CREW weekend can be found at

 We hope you can join us for this annual weekend recognition!

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