Clarkson University President Tony Collins has announced that Amir Mousavian has been granted tenure and promoted from assistant professor to associate professor of engineering and management in the David D. Reh School of Business.

His research interests are focused on the applications of Operations Research and Statistics on the operations of cyber-physical systems with an emphasis on the cyber-physical security of smart power grids. His research agenda focuses on the question of how to leverage technology advancements to continue the trend of improving the supply chain of electricity while satisfying and exceeding the requirements on the resiliency and security of smart grid operations.
Dr. Mousavian teaches a variety of courses in project management and global supply chain management. In 2017, he received the Clarkson University Teaching Excellence Award, the endowed fund in honor of Dr. McGill and Dr. Nye Smith.
Dr. Mousavian has published more than 12 refereed book chapters and journal articles in prestigious journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Dr. Mousavian has published several refereed conference proceedings as well, including his publications in research collaboration with undergraduate students.
He has presented his research at several academic conferences and has chaired numerous conference sessions. He served as the chair of the energy cluster of the INFORMS Annual Meeting during 2016-2018. He has frequently served as an ad hoc reviewer for highly regarded academic journals.
In 2014, he was awarded the Excellence in Project Management Education grant by Proctor and Gamble. In 2019, his research team was awarded the Clarkson University Ignite Graduate Research Fellowship grant.
Since 2018, Dr. Mousavian has been serving as the director of assurance of learning at David D. Reh School of Business where he effectively revamped the assurance of learning processes. His leadership success in transforming these continuous improvement processes was recognized when the peer review team from the AACSB, the international accreditation organization for schools of business, not only approved of the continuous improvement processes at David D. Reh School of Business but also commended the school’s commitment to and its new initiatives towards assurance of learning. In his capacity as the director of assurance of learning, Dr. Mousavian successfully partnered up with the Education Testing Service (ETS) on a funded research project entitled “Toward a multifaceted understanding of student learning outcomes in higher education: A longitudinal study to Improve assessment and data use at Clarkson University”. Mousavian has been a faculty member of Engineering and Management since 2014. He received his bachelor of science degree in industrial engineering from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran; his master of business administration degree from Malek Ashtar University of Technology in Tehran; and master of science and Ph.D. degrees in industrial and systems engineering from Auburn University.
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