Call for Proposals: 2020 Walsh Conference

Shall We Play? Using Games to Support Student Learning

Clarkson University, Potsdam NY

Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 April 2020

At the beginning of the 1984 movie War Games, Joshua, a computer, asks the question: “Shall we play a game?” And through playing games, Joshua develops a deep understanding of strategy, futility, and human nature, so much so that it chooses to save the planet from destruction by nuclear war. Such well-designed games are well-suited to the classroom, where they serve as powerful pedagogical tools that enhance the understanding of scenarios, models, and processes, and allow players to learn lessons by experiencing them. They also deepen student interest and engagement. Additionally, games may be used as a means of having students communicate to a non-specialist audience a historical or political problem. This conference will focus on helping instructors understand the value of gaming in the classroom and integrate game design and delivery into the praxis of their craft. 

We cordially invite you to submit proposals for the upcoming Walsh Conference “Shall We Play? Using Games to Support Student Learning,” which will be held on Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26 at Clarkson University. Proposed sessions may revolve around any topic that relates to the usage of games as educational tools in college classrooms or as co-curricular activities. Possible areas include:

  • The science behind active learning
  • Surveys or workshops on best practices in educational game design, execution, or scaffolding
  • Opportunities for participants to play, and learn from, games that you may use in the classroom.

Session times and parameters will be shaped by the proposals received, and so we invite applicants to be creative in proposing unique experiences for conference participants. Both long and short sessions are possibilities; however, sessions longer than two hours are unlikely to be accepted. Sessions may include (but are not limited to):

  • Seminar style panels with pre-circulated papers and games
  • ‘Circles’ in which participants discuss their practices and experiences
  • Roundtable discussions
  • Game playing sessions
  • Student presentations of games in the design progress
  • Sandbox game design sessions

Lunch and refreshments will be included on both days. A small fund exists for assistance with travel costs. Please contact the organizers for more information.

Proposals should be no more than 500 words. Beyond accurately describing session content and means of delivery, there is no set format for submission.

Please submit your proposals no later than March 23, 2020 via this form:  

For more information, contact the organizers at