NEW Time: Wednesday, 3/4/20 @ 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Enter Webinar in Zoom.
Keeping track of student attendance is easier than you think. With a few quick clicks each class period record which students are in attendance, late, or excused. You can make note of who is participating or sleeping (lol). Run reports, give students transparency, and calculate grades with ease.
Come learn how you can take advantage of the attendance tools available in Moodle. Lift some of the administrative burden from your plate and focus on the important business at hand.
See how special guest Clarkson PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant Marzieh Babaeianjelodar incorporates Moodle Attendance activity to track attendance in her busy lab sections. She hopes to share what she’s learned so others can benefit.

Helpful for:
- Instructors
- Teaching Assistants
- Group managers
Everyone is welcome to meet us in Zoom from your desk, conference room with co-workers, or mobile device.
About Web Tools Wednesday
Web Tools Wednesday is a live webinar series designed to share information on the technologies that matter to educators at Clarkson. Presenters offer information that educators can put to use in the classroom and everyday work. Gain insider tips and tricks, ask questions and engage in fruitful dialogue designed to lift up Clarkson community members’ adoption of web technologies and more.
Web Tools Wednesday aims to meet the first Wednesday of each month. Sessions recorded and archived. Watch for updates!!
Hosted by: Teaching & Learning Corner whose mission is to partner as Clarkson educators to build satisfying, engaging learning experiences with a focus on quality through instructional innovation.