Updates on COVID19 – Online Instruction After Break

Message from Provost Hannigan

Graduate Students,

Clarkson has been closely monitoring information from local, state and federal representatives regarding COVID-19.  There are no reported cases of COVID-19 in the Clarkson community.

With a new ban just issued by New York State on gatherings and additional restrictions on environments with a higher density of people, we are asking all students to plan for online instruction starting March 23.  More information from our academic leaders will be coming in the immediate days ahead on how courses will be adapted for alternative methods of learning and independent projects.    

Here is more detailed information according to the different graduate programs.

a.              Professional Clinical Programs (MAT, OT, PA, PT)

All classes will have alternative methods of instruction in place until further notice. This will include all online instruction and some course redesigns such as independent projects, etc. Some clinical preparation components will continue to meet in person in small groups on campus. Specific details on clinical experiences will be disseminated by the individual program directors.

Faculty will communicate with students on how to access their coursework by Friday, March 20.    

More information from our academic leaders will be coming in the immediate days ahead on how courses will be adapted for alternative methods of learning and independent projects.    

Clinical and residency experiences will be governed by the host location.

b.     Residential Graduate Programs (Masters, PhD)

Residential graduate and research student activities will continue until further notice. Graduate students with health concerns should contact the Office of Accessibility Services.

All graduate classes will have alternative methods of instruction in place until further notice. This will include online instruction and some course redesigns such as independent projects, etc. More information from our academic leaders will be coming in the immediate days ahead on how courses will be adapted for alternative methods of learning and independent projects.        

Graduate Teaching Assistants will continue to support teaching and learning.          

c.     Online Graduate Programs

Teaching and learning will continue normally.

We recognize that global news and additional directives from local, state and federal representatives continue to come in that may require alternative courses of action.  We want you to be safe on break and compel you all to continue to follow the preventive measures on our website to limit the spread of germs and stay abreast of the links to the resources from local, state and federal agencies.  We will be making decisions based on when in-classroom instruction can resume as well as University activities as we review those directives.  

Thank you for living and exemplifying the Clarkson values in everything you do.  

Robyn Hannigan

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