COVID-19: Daily Update

We understand that these are stressful times for all of us. Please be assured that as the Campus Emergency Response Team is making decisions, our focus is on the health and well-being of employees, students and their families.  We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the continued health and safety of our campus environments, including:

  • Minimizing on-campus staffing levels
  • Deep cleaning and disinfecting the campus environment
  • Self-isolation and/or social distancing for those who have recently traveled

We ask that YOU be mindful of your activities and contacts.  If you have been in close contact with someone who has recently traveled outside the area, you should be in contact with your supervisor and HR and begin implementing a 14-day self-isolation effective immediately.  This is a PRECAUTIONARY step that does not mean that anyone has contracted COVID-19.

Earlier today, cabinet members were given the authority to review and approve their employees’ requests to work-from-home on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to exercise the flexibility to work-from-home, please be in touch with your supervisor to formulate a plan that is mutually agreeable.  It is essential that each unit continues to provide high-quality services to the campus community, balanced with the need to socially distance ourselves to minimize the spread of this virus.  We will continue to use Clarkson email as the primary communication channel with updates as the situation develops.

This is a difficult and ever-changing time. We ask that you all be flexible and continue to exhibit the Clarkson Values in all your interactions. It is only through your hard work and commitment to Clarkson that we will get through this together. Thank you!

Tony Collins

Joshua A. Fiske ’03, MS ’04

Chief Information Officer and Emergency Response Coordinator
Amy McGaheran
Chief Human Resources Officer

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