COVID-19: Mandatory Changes to Human Subjects Research

To minimize the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 in human participant research interactions and to preserve personal protective equipment for clinical care, the University is placing temporary restrictions on human subjects research effective Monday, March 16 and continuing through May 1. We will continue to reevaluate this timeframe based on government directives. In the meantime:  

  • All in-person human subjects research must cease immediately.
  • Faculty, students and staff who are impacted should submit a modification to the IRB confirming cessation and then follow up with a modification once the effort resumes.  
  • New IRB applications for in-person human subjects research will still be reviewed and approved but data collection will not begin until this ban has been lifted.
  • Faculty and students can continue to do research that does not require in-person contact.
  • Faculty and students can submit modifications to existing research and get approved to do research that does not require in-person contact.
  • Faculty and students can submit new IRB applications to do research that does not require in-person contact and get approval through the regular IRB process and begin data collection as usual.
  • Faculty and students must stop all in-person contact with research participants (e.g. interviews, focus groups, document collection, observations) until further notice. Faculty and students can submit modifications so that they can continue their research online.

For more information on COVID-19 and your research please see: Research Continuity & Planning for COVID-19

For questions regarding your human subjects research please contact

Shannon Robinson 
AVP for Research and Technology Transfer    

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