Coronavirus (COVID-19) Costs
Message from the CFO regarding Expense Budgets:
In anticipation of being able to access NYS/FEMA funding as a result of Coronavirus, please track any expenses that your organization may have directly incurred as a result of dealing with COVID-19 and KEEP ALL RECEIPTS.
Some examples might include costs incurred related to:
- Travel that the University was not able to take advantage of due to conferences being cancelled
- Cleaning supplies and labor costs that Clarkson specifically put in place to mitigate potential contraction or spread of the virus
- Equipment purchased to implement a different course of action due to decisions made to prevent exposure
Refer to the following webpage for a spreadsheet you can use to track these expenditures: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Costs
Regarding Sponsored Research:
Refer to Research Continuity & Planning for COVID-19
Address Research questions to
To access prior Controller’s Corner announcements, click here