Signature Line Ideas While Working From Home

Many Clarkson faculty and staff are working remotely from home right now and social distancing due to COVID-19.

Please use one of the below additions to your signature line while you are working remotely. These will help people outside of the university know we are social distancing and many are not in the office. The addition to your signature block is preferred because using an out-of-office auto-reply has the unintentional effect of doubling the number of emails that people get at a time that email will already increase.

***If you have adjusted your working hours differently than the 8:00am-4:30pm university hours, please include them in your chosen line***

  • Clarkson is practicing social distancing and I am working from home.
  • Clarkson is practicing social distancing and I am working from home from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (fill in your hours)
  • Clarkson is practicing social distancing. Calls to my office will be forwarded to me via email.
  • I am working from home while Clarkson University is practicing social distancing. 
  • I am working from home from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. while Clarkson University is practicing social distancing. 
  • During this time, Clarkson is practicing social distancing and I am working from home.
  • During this time, Clarkson is practicing social distancing and I am working from home from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • I am working from home while we practice social distancing at Clarkson. Any voicemails to my office phone will be forwarded to me via email.
    (If you want to put your cell out there)
  • Clarkson is practicing social distancing and I am working from home. Please call my cell at
  • While Clarkson practices social distancing, I am working from home. Call my cell phone at

Thank you!

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