Clarkson Employee Compliance with NYS Directive – No Employees, Students or Graduate Students on Campuses Starting Sunday 8pm Without Authorization

Clarkson University will be complying with Governor Cuomo’s new directive* for all New Yorkers.   There will be no employees or students on the Potsdam, CRC or Beacon campuses effective 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 22 without authorization until further notice.  There will be no access to offices, labs or other building facilities for individuals who are not approved to be on campus after this time.  

Under the new NYS directive, authorization for employees and other individuals to be on campus to do all or part of their duties will come from their academic dean/academic institute director or a supervisor in their division who reports to the President.  This will only include very limited individuals conducting:

  • Campus Safety & Security 
  • Student Health & Counseling Services  
  • Facilities & Services for Sanitation of Residential Facilities, Mail & Systems Operations
  • Information Technology Personnel for Systems Operations
  • Dining Services – To Go Meal Preparation for students approved to live on campus
  • Payroll and Financial Services Processing 
  • Area Coordinators Already Living on Campus in Residence Halls
  • Animal Care & Biological Culture Maintenance
  • Critical Research Support / Approved COVID-19 and Pandemic Related Research

All personnel who are authorized to be on campus will practice social distancing and maintain a minimum distance of six-feet from others.  They will not report to work if sick.  

Any other personnel or requests to be on campus will need authorized approval from Human Resources,

All employees working from home are expected to work their normal shift and report to their supervisor daily or as directed.  Please follow the same procedures as in the past for requesting paid time off if you are not going to work your regular shift.  Alternative schedules must be approved by your managers: please communicate these in the signature line of your email for your co-workers rather than use auto-reply messages.   

All: Please keep doing your part.  Stop the spread. Save lives. Be Golden Knights.  

*   The Governor’s 10-point NYS on PAUSE plan is as follows:

  1. Effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22, all non-essential businesses statewide will be closed;
  2. Non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason (e.g. parties, celebrations or other social events) are canceled or postponed at this time;
  3. Any concentration of individuals outside their home must be limited to workers providing essential services and social distancing should be practiced;
  4. When in public individuals must practice social distancing of at least six feet from others;
  5. Businesses and entities that provide other essential services must implement rules that help facilitate social distancing of at least six feet;
  6. Individuals should limit outdoor recreational activities to non-contact and avoid activities where they come in close contact with other people;
  7. Individuals should limit use of public transportation to when absolutely necessary and should limit potential exposure by spacing out at least six feet from other riders;
  8. Sick individuals should not leave their home unless to receive medical care and only after a telehealth visit to determine if leaving the home is in the best interest of their health;
  9. Young people should also practice social distancing and avoid contact with vulnerable populations; and
  10. Use precautionary sanitizer practices such as using isopropyl alcohol wipes.

“Matilda’s Law” includes the following rules for vulnerable populations:

  • Remain indoors;
  • Can go outside for solitary exercise;
  • Pre-screen all visitors and aides by taking their temperature and seeing if person is exhibiting other flu-like symptoms;
  • Do not visit households with multiple people;
  • Wear a mask when in the company of others;
  • To the greatest extent possible, everyone in the presence of vulnerable people should wear a mask;
  • Always stay at least six feet away from individuals; and
  • Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary.

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