Academic Advising Spring 2020 from the Office of University Advising

Academic Advising Spring 2020 from The Office of University Advising (OUA)

 This message is intended for faculty members and professional staff who advise undergraduate students during the spring 2020 semester.  The information addresses five academic advising topics:

 ·         Pass/No Credit Option

·         Advising Evaluations

·         Start@CU Data

·         Midterm and Student Standing Reports

·         Fall 2020 Course Enrollment

A separate communication on this matter will be distributed to all Clarkson undergraduate students.

 1.       Pass/No Credit Option

 With classes moving to alternative methods of instruction, we recognize that there may be concerns about how this change in delivery may impact students.  To minimize impact on an individual’s GPA, students will have the option to receive either pass/no-credit or an explicit letter grade at the end of the spring semester. Furthermore, students will get to see their grade and make the final choice.  Student Administrative Services (SAS) will provide more guidance to students regarding the Pass/No Credit process as we near the end of the semester. For related FAQs, please visit

 2.        Advising Evaluations

 As a part of this important initiative, students will be asked to complete an advisor evaluation using an advisor evaluation tool posted in their myCU.  For more information about the impact of evaluations to the tenure and promotion process, please note Provost Hannigan’s related memo, COVID-19 & Impact to Faculty Activity by visiting  

 The pathway to navigate and access advisors evaluation summaries through faculty self-serve via myCU is:  

Main Menu > Self Service > Advisor Center > My Advisor Evaluation Reports 

 3.        START@CU Tool and Advising Data

 One of the best ways to ensure the success of our students is to track their academic progress by using START@CU.  Some of your advisees may be flagged with information that require them to speak with you to figure out a plan toward academic success. When you login to PeopleSoft 9.2, you will be able to view flags on your students by clicking on the START@CU Tile on your Homepage or by to Navigator -> Self Service -> START@CU -> START@CU Dashboard.   The students that have the highest risk will be listed at the top.

 Reminder:  you have the ability to address any open flag on a student, which means you have discussed it with the student, and have a plan of action to resolve the issue moving forward.

 For more information on how to managed flags generated though the progress surveys, please see:

 For more information on START@CU, please see:

 4.       Midterm Grades and Academic Standing Reports

Midterm grades can be found in your myCU – My Advisees – Advising Student Center (pull down next to student number) –  click on Grades (under other academics) – then click on Mid-term Grades.  It is important that you view your students’ mid-term grades along with students’ faculty action (good standing, warning, or probation) which can be found on the Unofficial Transcript, which is directly above Advising Student Center.  This will also give you the opportunity to review previous course work, advance placement and transfer credits.  The Chair/Associate Dean of your respective departments will also receive this information and may offer support for you to work with students who are experiencing academic difficulty at this time. 

5.      Fall 2020, Course Enrollment

 Course enrollment for fall 2020 is continuing as planned. Student Administrative Services will provide detailed instructions to both students and advisors in the coming days. It is expected program advisors will continue with their advising appointments via distance (zoom, phone, etc.) prior to removing student holds.

 When students are participating remotely, this is an opportune time to use the Google Calendar Appointment Slots to allow students to select a meeting time from a list of options that you have prepared in advance. 


 Please do not hesitate to reachout with questions or concerns.

For general advising questions, email Cathy Avadikian, Director of OUA,

For technical or PeopleSoft related questions, email

For process and advising schedule questions, e-mail

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