Call for Abstracts for Electrochemistry Sessions at Clarkson University RAPS

Dear All,

Clarkson University Electrochemistry Student Chapter (CU-ECS) is organizing electrochemistry oral and poster sessions in 2020 RAPS conference.

Please include the keyword “Electrochemistry” during abstract submission to consider in our electrochemistry sessions.

You may give an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or both.

·         Oral presentations are typically slideshows and are limited to 12 or 15 total minutes (12 minutes for undergrads, 15 minutes for grad students).

·         The poster presentation session is 90 minutes long; students must remain with their posters throughout the duration.

CU-ECS Travel Award

The CU-ECS will acknowledge and promote student research in the field of electrochemistry. Projects from all disciplines related to electrochemistry are eligible for this opportunity.

Best poster and the best oral award will be provided in the form of a travel grant worth up to $100 for participating in the national ECS or related conferences.

Online registration, including abstracts, is due by Friday, March 27, at 11:59 PM.

This is limited to Clarkson research programs.

Prior to submission, please review the instructions and requirements for registration here.

Conference registration can be found here.

Clarkson writing center assists to build the abstract for RAPS, please see the following link for more information

Reach out to us at for any questions.

Best regards,


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