Interested in teaching?

Clarkson University offers a 16 credit Pre-Teaching Minor for students interested in pursuing an MAT in teaching. Master’s level teacher education programs in New York require specific pre-requisites and high standards from their applicants. Receiving the right guidance as an undergraduate will ensure you meet those standards and pre-requisites, increasing your chances of success. The details are below. Contact Dr. Kavanagh at for more information. 

Students pursuing the pre-teaching track, or those interested in a pre-teaching minor, would complete the following course of study:

·         Foreign language elective (3 credits)

·          PY 246 Educational Psychology (3 credits)

·          COMM 217 Introduction to Public Speaking (3 credits)

·          STEM 330/STEM 530 Analyzing Science and Mathematical Theories from Philosophical

·         and Historical Perspectives (for STEM majors)(3 credits)+

·         OR

·         HST 388/ HST 588 East Asia Studies (for History majors)(3 credits)+

·         OR

·         MA 453/MA553 Introduction to Mathematical Teaching (for Math majors)(3 credits)

·          ED 360/ED560 Modern Teacher (3 Credits)+

·          Educational Field Experience (1 credits)

Independent Study: Student would observe 25 hours in secondary classrooms and complete a paper

Total: 16 credits

*With this plan, prospective MAT candidates would meet program requirements, as well as receive 6 credits that would count toward their MAT coursework (they would not need to take STEM 530/HST 588 or ED 560 during their graduate coursework). In addition, if they meet the

undergraduate GPA requirement of a 3.2 or above, the cost of two additional courses are waived. Thus, they are only paying for 26 of the 38 credits.

+These courses would be offered through the CRC, and students would take online or distance.

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